Saturday, June 5, 2010

6 Things to Keep In Mind Before Buying A Car


6 Things to Keep In Mind Before Buying A Car: QUIT BEING AN EMOTIONAL FOOL (:P)

As I already discussed in my previous posts that there are a lot many options in different segments in the Indian Auto market today and it is equally true that NOT EVERYONE IS THE SAME SO DIFFERENT CARS APPEAL TO DIFFERENT PEOPLE IN A DIFFERENT WAY. People have their own different criteria’s for buying a new or a used car. With changing times and inflow of various foreign brands in the Indian Auto market, priorities of people have changed and have improved a lot. Once again the focus is shifting from efficiency and economy to performance and comfort. But still if we see from a broader perspective Indian people still prefer economy over looks, efficiency over performance.
So I have prepared a FOOL PROOF plan for you to decide which car will meet your specific needs.
While buying a car everyone needs to pinpoint his/her needs in order to avoid repenting later. So here are some of the factors one should keep in mind while buying a new or a used car. These factors will help you broadly classify your needs and decide WHAT YOU EXACTLY WANT.

These 6 factors have been arranged in a decreasing order of priority for people at large.


According to Indian customers this is the highest priority factor. I have coined the term ECONOMY which jointly signifies the initial costs as well as mileage (efficiency), service and maintenance costs. In addition to these expenditures a major thing to keep in mind is the cost of frequently changeable parts. Mileage (efficiency) of the car is a key factor to decide the right ride.

Since the initial cost cannot be compromised but the after sales costs can easily be compromised by choosing a product from a brand which offers long term warranty, low service and maintenance charges, easy availability of spare parts which has a lower frequency of service station visits due to major or minor faults.

The modern urban Indian population does overlook this factor while buying a car but in my opinion this factor should not be compromised in terms of looks and features. One should not act as an emotional fool while buying a car.


You should question yourself whether you care the car you are choosing has 2, 4 or 6 airbags, does the results of crash tests appeal to you. ?? Answers to these questions can CERTAINLY clear your doubts regarding SAFETY issues. It is important to note that although every car has to pass the government safety tests, not all the cars as safe as the others.

These days companies are offering additional safety features such as reverse parking sensors, camera assisted parking etc in their top variants. So you can decide upon the features depending upon your budget.


Though this factor has little to do with the technicalities, but still counts a lot while buying a car. People often have an emotional inclination towards certain rides. This inclination is a direct result of one’s personal interest. But you should ask this question to yourself: - “Does the car’s look suit my lifestyle and is the appearance the most important function of the car??”


The utility is also an important factor to be considered while buying a car. You should ask yourself that “is this the car I needed, will I be using this car for a specific reason such as camping, touring or for family” these questions will certainly signify the utility of the chosen car and you will even be able to find out more cars that suits you needs.


Do you often check the 0-100 kmph ratings of various potential cars?? Do you value horsepower more than the fuel efficiency?? If your answer is YES then no ordinary car will do for you, you must go for high performance cars and forget the above factors (:-P).


If you want to buy a ride for a short period of time then you should look at it from the RESALE perspective too.

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